Government Submissions

OUSA advocates on behalf of its 140,000 members at its eight member schools across the province. To do this effectively, each year a variety of submissions to the government are created that summarize the positions of students.

OUSA Submission to the Ontario Jobs & Recovery Committee: MCU Advisory Council

COVID-19 has had a profound impact on students attending or preparing to attend a post- secondary institution in Ontario. Over the past two months, students have done their best to complete their academic year through distance learning, all while struggling to secure summer employment and plan for their future.

On May 5th, OUSA was invited to participate in the Ontario Jobs & Recovery Committee: MCU Advisory Council Consultations. Read our written submission here.


In It Together 2020: Foundations for Promoting Mental Wellness in Campus Communities

In this report, the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance, the College Student Alliance, the Council of Ontario Universities, and Colleges Ontario make joint recommendations to the provincial government aimed at improving student mental health in postsecondary communities across the province. Highlighting the need for a 'whole-of-community' approach, life-long mental health care, and increased service provision, this report builds on the 2017 report In It Together: Taking Action on Student Mental Health.

Educated Investments: Supporting Students for a Better Future

Recent changes in post-secondary have left students feeling uncertain about their futures and worried about completing their studies. This submission responds to these changes by highlighting the need for investment in student financial aid, mental health care, sexual violence prevention, and experiential learning opportunities. Increased support in these areas will help ensure that all willing and qualified students are able to pursue a post-secondary education in Ontario.

Submission to the New Poverty Reduction Strategy

This submission highlights the need for the next provincial Poverty Reduction Strategy to address the impact poverty has on access to, and success in, post-secondary education. It calls on the provincial government to make investments in student financial aid, work-integrated learning opportunities, and supports and services so all students have the opportunity to thrive.

In It Together: Taking Action on Student Mental Health

In the report, the four partners - the College Student Alliance, the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance, Colleges Ontario and the Council of Ontario Universities – say providing effective support for student mental health is one of the most pressing issues on college and university campuses today, and that post-secondary institutions have made addressing it a priority but can’t meet the challenge alone.

Educated Investments: Safeguarding the Educational Experience

Students believe that a modern and robust university sector is critical to Ontario and while the 2016 Budget made great strides towards a more affordable and accessible post-secondary system with the changes to OSAP, we need to ensure the quality of education and experience of students is high. The publication and centralization of post-secondary data will enable smart, evidence based decisions, by policy makers and students alike. Taking further steps to making campuses free from sexual violence by creating a new Sexual Violence Prevention Unit in the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development offers a tangible step towards this goal. To make the university sector work for students (and work for Ontario) in creating the highly skilled workforce of the future, the government should create new partnerships and new incentive structures to promote and broaden experiential learning. Quality services will allow Ontario’s students to get the most out of their educational experience, and will greatly help reduce the non-financial barriers to postsecondary education. 

OSAP 2.0: Submission to the Transformation Consultations

This document discusses aid disbursement when delays occur in the verification of family income, reviews of students with special circumstances, how OSAP’s allowable costs cap and the Student Access Guarantee (SAG) should behave in light of the OSG, and how the OSG should apply to students with disabilities. Overall, this submission serves to highlight the core principles that students believe should be kept at the forefront when creating solutions to the challenges arising from the implementation of the OSG.

Educated Investments: Providing Effective Systems & Enriching Experiences

Ensuring smooth and equitable access into higher education and ensuring an enriching and quality experience are integral components of developing a highly skilled workforce. OUSA’s budget submission for 2016 touches on inputs and outputs: primarily, we will address the entry and exit points of the university experience. We discuss ways to ensure access and financial assistance can be improved, and we discuss how students can graduate with the skills, confidence, and understanding necessary to begin their careers or take the next steps along whatever path they choose to pursue.