OUSA Submission on Tuition and Affordability - MCU Consultations on the Future of Learning and Prosperity

On July 29, 2020, OUSA participated in “The Future of Learning and Prosperity,” a consultation with the Ministry of Colleges and Universities to discuss the re-opening of campuses. 

We took this opportunity to provide feedback on the affordability of post-secondary education in the context of COVID-19. As the Fall 2020 semester approaches, OUSA emphasized the need for enhanced financial support to help students attend university this Fall.


OUSA made the following key recommendations to the Ministry of Colleges and Universities: 

  1. Enhanced OSAP support to provide immediate financial relief to students attending university in Fall 2020
  2. Improve the effectiveness and transparency of the Student Access Guarantee
  3. Improve Ontario’s Tuition Fee Framework

Read the submission here: