Introducing Dreyden George, Commissioner of External Affairs at Queen's University

’Uy’ skweyul,

My name is Dreyden George, I am the Commissioner of External Affairs at the Alma Mater Society (AMS) at Queen’s University and a voting member of the OUSA Steering Committee. 

I am also going into my third year at Queen’s majoring in Economics with a minor in Environmental Science; also working for a certificate in Law and Employment Relations. This will be the second time I have had an interaction with OUSA but certainly much more indulging this year. Last year, I did have the chance to attend OUSA Winter GA 2024 and am super excited to work as Steering Committee member and help advance Queen’s Students interests and Ontario Students interests through OUSA.

A little bit about myself – I was born in T'Sou-ke, BC; a little First Nation Reservation apart of Douglas Treaties on the Southern tip of Vancouver Island. Although I have a passion in my academia for subjects not directly titled politics and governance. I have a fond interest and passion in learning about it over the years with its indirect, consequential, interlock with things of economics, environmental sciences, law, and employment relations. Some further experiences I have been honored to still be a part of aside from the starting this position, is being a sitting member of the Land Advisory Board of T'Sou-ke Nation and Sites of Significance Committee of Te’mexw Treaties, additionally I really demonstrate my passion for our future environments protections through being the current Co-president of Queen’s Backing Action on the Climate Crisis working towards divesting Queen’s from Fossil Fuels. 

In terms of policy issues, I am especially passionate about economic equity, Indigenous advocacy, mental health, and eco-policy development. I believe in a higher education that is supportive and financially accessible to the students it works to provide to. Economic equity is a complex and nuanced situation, for a healthy, safe, higher education can be a key aspect towards achieving economic equity. 

I’m also into some more lighthearted things when I find free time, my favorite game to play / only game I like to really play is Mortal Kombat. My favorite thing to do in the summer/springtime is to go camping as much as possible, my car is always packed and ready to go just in case I want to stop and stay at a campsite when in BC. I am thoroughly looking forward to working with the super engaging and super amazing people here at OUSA, this year is going to be super!