September 23, 2022
OUSA shares “a visual glossary” for Consent Awareness Week
TORONTO, ON – During the first-ever national Consent Awareness Week from September 19th to 23rd, 2022, the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance (OUSA) shared a visual glossary highlighting six popular terms in sex and gender-based violence (SGBV) advocacy.
The intention of the glossary was to rally support for Possibility Seeds’ call for a national Consent Awareness Week, as well as to encourage knowledge- and resource-sharing so that all students can have the language and tools to practice consent and advocate for communities free from SGBV.
“It’s not enough,” urges Kayla Han, OUSA steering committee member and vice-president government and stakeholder relations at Wilfrid Laurier University Students' Union, “to respond to sex and gender-based violence seriously because it made viral news. This is not a new issue for students, and it is certainly not a new advocacy priority for the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance.”
OUSA’s “a visual glossary” offers imperfect and approachable definitions bridging together dictionary entries, SGBV scholarship and resources, and the modern history of SGBV activism. The terms include consent, cyberviolence, retraumatization, revenge porn, stealthing, and victim-blaming.
“We need to see an emphasis on prevention in our efforts to combat this kind of violence,” said Malika Dhanani, research and policy analyst at OUSA, “and we really believe the call from Possibility Seeds to cultivate a culture of consent across campuses is the right way there.”
The glossary was released in six parts throughout the week and is now available in full online at: or directly via e-reader here.
About: OUSA represents the interests of 150,000 professional and undergraduate, full-time and part-time university students at eight student associations across Ontario. Our vision is for an accessible, affordable, accountable, and high-quality post-secondary education in Ontario.
Media Contact:
Irum Chorghay
Communications & Operations Coordinator
Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance
[email protected]