May 30th, 2019
TORONTO, ON - The Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance’s new Steering Committee met for the first time and is proud to announce the election of our 2019-2020 Executive Officers:
President Cat Dunne, who also serves as Vice-President of the University Students' Council at Western University.
Vice-President Finance Matthew Gerrits, who also serves as Vice President Education with the Federation of Students at the University of Waterloo.
Vice-President Administration & Human Resources Rayna Porter, who also serves as Vice President of University Affairs at the Trent Durham Student Association at Trent University - Durham GTA.
OUSA's new Executives are looking forward to working with the other members of Steering Committee on enhancing post-secondary education for all undergraduate students in Ontario.
The incoming Executives thank Danny Chang, Shannon Kelly, and Julia Göllner for their dedicated service to OUSA as the outgoing Executive, and for their unwavering commitment to improving the accessibility, affordability, accountability, and quality of an undergraduate education in Ontario.
OUSA represents the interests of 150,000 professional and undergraduate, full-time and part-time university students at eight student associations across Ontario. Our vision is for an accessible, affordable, accountable, and high quality post-secondary education in Ontario. To achieve this vision we’ve come together to develop solutions to challenges facing higher education, build broad consensus for our policy options, and lobby government to implement them.
Eddy Avila
Executive Director
Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance