September 20, 2018
TORONTO, ON - This morning, the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance (OUSA) released their annual magazine, Educated Solutions. This year's volume focuses on post-secondary tuition and funding.
“This edition of Educated Solutions is timely for students in Ontario,” said Danny Chang, President of OUSA and student at Western University. “As the tuition framework is set to expire, it is important to reflect on the real impacts the cost of education has on students, as well as how we can alleviate financial burdens and improve the higher education system in our province for all students”.
Students in Ontario are paying some of the highest fees for post-secondary education in Canada, with over 50% of university operating budgets consisting of revenues drawn from student tuition and related fees. International students are paying exceedingly high fees as well, and while important changes have been made in the student financial aid system, low-income and marginalized students still face financial barriers in education. Students are also concerned about the negative impacts of underfunding on educational quality and accessibility. OUSA believes that restoring public funding is essential to creating an equitable and high-quality post-secondary system in Ontario.
“With the current tuition framework set to expire in 2019, we thought it would be fitting to bring together sector experts and student voices to present their ideas and concerns about tuition and post-secondary funding in Ontario,” said Martyna Siekanowicz, Research and Policy Analyst at OUSA. “It is OUSA’s hope that we can use these ideas and proposed solutions to address shared concerns and help create a more accessible, affordable, and high-quality post-secondary system in Ontario.”
Educated Solutions provides a medium for stakeholders from all across Ontario to provide their thoughts, opinions, and insights on tuition and funding for Ontario’s post-secondary system. OUSA hopes that the diverse perspectives in this year’s edition will spark debate and discussion around the challenges facing Ontario’s post-secondary sector.
Issue 12 of Educated Solutions can be found here.
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OUSA represents the interests of 150,000 professional and undergraduate, full-time and part-time university students at eight student associations across Ontario. Our vision is for an accessible, affordable, accountable, and high quality post-secondary education in Ontario.
Martyna Siekanowicz
Media Contact
Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance