Hi there! My name is Elizabeth Wong, and I’m the Vice-President (Education) of the McMaster Students Union (MSU). I have just finished my degree in Political Science and Labour Studies as well as a Certificate in Business. This is my first time being involved with OUSA, and I am so excited to be a member of the 2022-23 Steering Committee!
I always tell people that I have a fate with McMaster because I was born at McMaster Children’s Hospital and later pursued my undergraduate degree at McMaster. When I was younger, I was always involved in student council, which is how I later got involved with Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board’s (HWDSB) Student Senate. I continued to get invested in student advocacy issues such as gender equity, physical accessibility, mental health, and race & racism in schools. I later went on to be elected as a Student Trustee for HWDSB where I participated in student advocacy on a provincial level.
I hope to increase mental health support for students as well as advocate for accessibility on campus and in classrooms with the full return back to campuses. I am passionate about ensuring EDI (Equity, diversity, inclusion) is a core facet of student life and that we are creating the most accessible, equitable, and safe campuses for all students.
Outside of my “day” job at VP Education, I also work as a School Board Trustee for the HWDSB where I advocate for the interests of students, parents, and the communities of Wards 1&2 in Hamilton. I just love education and believe that it is a core pillar to the future of society.
When I’m not working, I always love eating good food and travelling! I am a huge BTS fan and spend my time listening to their music and travelling to their concerts. I am also a proud mom to my guinea pigs Hotdog and Nugget!
Thank you!