Welcome back!
My name is Anthony Coulter, and I am the Vice President of University Affairs with the Trent Durham Student Association (TDSA).
As a 4th year Political Studies student and a returning SC member from last year, I can say with confidence that student advocacy is something that I strive to do in my professional career. Working closely with my own institution, as well as OUSA, being able to engage with all levels of government and with students across many institutions, I feel a great sense of pride and satisfaction in the work that we do. I am honoured to be returning to SC this year, and cannot wait to work hard to advocate for students across Ontario.
I’ve studied politics at Trent University for 3.5 years, attended the Fall 2020, Fall 2022, and Winter 2023 OUSA General Assemblies (GA), and was re-elected to be the VP of University Affairs at Trent Durham University. During my many General Assemblies, I have authored A Comprehensive Access Strategy, Tuition, and Student Accessibility and Disability Inclusion. I plan on taking my past year of experience and pushing myself to advocate harder for the many pressing issues that students face all across their undergraduate education.
Within the past year, one of the major issues I’ve discussed with many students is a lack of accessible and affordable education. Last year I spoke about trying to create some OSAP reform, and my goal remains true this year as well. The clawbacks that happened locked many willing and qualified students out from pursuing their post-secondary education, and I believe that every willing and qualified student should have a fair and equitable opportunity at accessing post secondary education.