Higher Education: The Engine of Economic Recovery

This year, one of the boldest investments in post-secondary education in a generation is coming to an end. Over the past five years, the Ontario government’s Reaching Higher Plan has invested $6.2 billion into the sector, yet much is left to do. As the government designs a new plan, it is crucial that steps are taken to improve the quality and accessibility of higher education. For students this means serious commitments to student financial assistance, student success initiatives, and the overall financial health of our institutions.

Given the immense economic and social benefits of higher education, this year’s budget must continue to invest in higher education. The 2010 budget should be the first step in defining the parameters of a new long-term plan for higher education. As the original Plan expires, it is crucial that new and equally ambitious goals are set for the next five years in higher education. The priorities below would set the government on a course towards the most accessible, affordable and highest quality education system in the country, and around the world.